Ileana Landon’s Megatrax “Trailblazers” Podcast

Ileana Landon, Megatrax
Director of Radio and Podcasting

Trailblazers: A Megatrax Podcast for Sound Media Professionals
Megatrax Production Music
Trailblazers, a Megatrax-produced podcast for sound media professionals, is a monthly podcast series featuring insightful interviews with professionals working in the field of sound media. Whether you’re a pioneer in the field or just starting out, prepare to learn from the experience of industry leaders who have paved the way, and are still setting trends.

In this episode, listen to veteran radio personality Barbara Blake formerly of KTWV The WAVE in Los Angeles, chat with our Director of Radio & Podcasting, Ileana Landon, about why and how she built Citizen Planet. This multi-digital platform community connects the world through multi-culturalism, unity and more. Learn how to create an idea of your own and follow Barbara’s steps so that you too, can create an innovative community as she has. Also, find out how inviting friends of different cultures is beneficial and how you too can become a great citizen for this planet.

Follow the links below to listen and subscribe on your favorite podcasting platform.




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